Bear Valley Virtual Academy » Bear Valley Virtual Academy (BVVA)

Bear Valley Virtual Academy (BVVA)

Established 6 years ago, Bear Valley Unified School District's Bear Valley Virtual Academy is a web-based program that offers students, kindergarten through twelfth grade, a comprehensive “home school” style program. BVVA addresses many of the requests for a program that would not only allow for different learning styles, but for flexible scheduling, and a greater variety of course offerings for greater learning experiences. 

Students in grades 6th-12th can select a full time or a “blended” program with classes both on and off campus (a minimum of 4 virtual courses is required).
BVVA offers an extensive array of courses, provided through Pearson Online Learning, at differentiated levels including standard, Gifted and Talented, Honor, and AP. In addition, students in grades 6th-8th are offered electives in Spanish, Chinese, Sign Language, Digital Arts, art, and music. Seven different foreign languages, VAPA, elective courses in law enforcement, medicine, business, and computer science are also offered at the high school level. To see a sample of the student program and curriculum, please view the BVVA Presentation below. 

Student success is of high importance, so support services are embedded to help students and families as questions arise. Live Lessons (live and recorded), one on one teacher support and tutoring with credentialed teachers, as well as research databases are available to students. 

All students retain their school counselor and are also assigned to a BVUSD teacher who monitors and guides students through their studies. 

While participating in the BVVA program, students are eligible for all on campus academic and non-academic activities as long as they continue to meet academic and citizenship requirements keeping them a part of the school community. 

To participate in Bear Valley Virtual Academy, complete the BVUSD online enrollment for 2022/23 and then contact your student’s school of residence. There they will make sure that your student is ready to enroll with BVVA. They will then set up your next steps. BVUSD is glad to be able to help families with their educational needs! 
If you are interested:
Call: 909-866-4631 (District Office)
Email: Dottie Jaeger [email protected]