Enroll at BVUSD

Both new students and existing parents will have to complete this process every year. Online enrollment is available to parents and legal guardians only. If you are not a parent of the child being enrolled or do not have a court ordered legal guardianship, please contact your child's school to enroll. 

Before you start:

Enrollment Documents

Gather the required enrollment documents. You will be required to upload these documents during the online enrollment process.

Required Information

  • Household information (physical address, mailing address, and phone numbers)
  • Parent information (demographic, phone numbers, and email addresses)
  • Student information (demographic and health/medication information)
  • Emergency Contact 


If your student needs medications at school, please download this form and take it to your child's physician for direction and authorization.

Assigned Boundaries

Based on the physical address of your residence in Bear Valley, primary level students will be assigned to either North Shore Elementary School or Baldwin Lane Elementary School. All secondary level students will attend Big Bear Middle or High School. Please use the boundary map to ensure you are registering at your school of residence.

Kindergarten/TK Programs

There are programs set up specifically for new incoming Kindergarten and Transitional Kindergarten students.

New Families

We are here to help you and your family make a great transition to our district.  You are encouraged to contact the district office at (909) 866-4631 to start the process during the summer.  Our personnel can help you learn about educational opportunities, transportation, and more.

Our goal is to make sure you feel welcome and assured that we intend to provide your student with excellent learning pathways leading to a successful future.
For students new to the district, BVUSD has set up an online enrollment process that will help you get started with the enrollment process. You must have a valid address within the Bear Valley Unified Unified School District attendance area to enroll. Verification of residence and immunizations will be required before you complete the enrollment process.
  • Enrolling for the current school year: You will be contacted by the district's information system shortly after completion of the online enrollment.
  • Enrolling for the upcoming 2024-25 school year: You will be contacted by the district information system throughout the enrollment process. 
To enroll click the New Student Enrollment at the top.

Effective August 1, 2022, all enrolled students in the Bear Valley Unified School District are eligible to receive a free breakfast and lunch each school day for the entire 2024-2025 school year. A Meal Application is not required for free meals at school. We do ask that households complete an Educational Benefits Survey (available during online registration) to ensure our schools are fully funded.

Please contact your school directly with any enrollment questions. You and your student will learn all about the wonderful services provided by Bear Valley Unified School District and your school.  Please do not hesitate to ask your school's principal about bus transportation, child nutrition services, and many other things that we offer to support your child's academic and social success at school.

Baldwin Lane Elementary School

[email protected]
[email protected]


Big Bear High School

[email protected]

[email protected]

Big Bear Middle School

[email protected]

[email protected]

Chautauqua High School

[email protected]


Fallsvale School

[email protected]


North Shore Elementary School

[email protected]
[email protected]