Non-Discrimination in Employment
The Board of Trustees is determined to provide district employees and job applicants a safe, positive environment where they are assured of full and equal employment access and opportunities, protection from harassment or intimidation, and freedom from any fear of reprisal or retribution for asserting their employment rights in accordance with law. The Board prohibits district employees from discriminating against or harassing any other district employee or job applicant on the basis of the person's actual or perceived race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, medical condition, genetic information, military and veteran status, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sex, or sexual orientation, or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.
The district's coordinator for complaint and inquiries is:
Ms. Jesica Rawlings, Executive Director of Business Services/Classified Personnel
Bear Valley Unified School District
42271 Moonridge Road/P.O. Box 1529
Big Bear Lake, CA 92315
(909) 866-4631
Dr. Bobby Hill, Executive Director of 6th-12th Curriculum and Instruction/Certificated Personnel
Bear Valley Unified School District
42271 Moonridge Road/P.O. Box 1529
Big Bear Lake, CA 92315
(909) 866-4631
(cf. 0410 - Nondiscrimination in District Programs and Activities)
(cf. 4119.41/4219.41/4319.41 - Employees with Infectious Disease)
The Board also prohibits discrimination against any employee or job applicant in compensation, terms, conditions, and other privileges of employment and the taking of any adverse employment action, including, but not limited to, termination or the denial of employment, promotion, job assignment, or training, against an employee or job applicant based on any of the categories listed above.
(cf. 4032 - Reasonable Accommodation)
(cf. 4154/4254/4354 - Health and Welfare Benefits)
Prohibited discrimination on the basis of religious creed includes discrimination based on an employee's or job applicant's religious belief or observance, including his/her religious dress or grooming practices. In accordance with Government Code 12940, prohibited discrimination on the basis of religious creed also includes the district's failure or refusal to use reasonable means to accommodate an employee's or job applicant's religious belief, observance, or practice which conflicts with an employment requirement. However, the district shall not accommodate an employee's religious dress practice or religious grooming practice if it requires segregation of the individual from other employees or the public or if it would result in a violation of this policy or any law prohibiting discrimination.
Prohibited sex discrimination includes discrimination based on an employee's or job applicant's pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, or any related medical condition.
(cf. 4033 - Lactation Accommodation)
Harassment consists of unwelcome verbal, physical, or visual conduct that is based on any of the prohibited categories of discrimination listed above and that is so severe or pervasive that it adversely affects an individual's employment opportunities, has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with the individual's work performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.
(cf. 4119.11/4219.11/4319.11 - Sexual Harassment)
The Board also prohibits retaliation against any district employee or job applicant who opposes any discriminatory employment practice by the district or its employee, agent, or representative or who complains, testifies, assists, or in any way participates in the district's complaint procedures pursuant to this policy. No employee or job applicant who requests an accommodation for any protected characteristic listed in this policy shall be subjected to any punishment or sanction, regardless of whether the request was granted. (Government Code 12940)
Complaints concerning employment discrimination, harassment, or retaliation shall immediately be investigated in accordance with procedures specified in the accompanying administrative regulation.
Any supervisory or management employee who observes or has knowledge of an incident of prohibited discrimination or harassment shall report the incident to the Superintendent or designated district coordinator as soon as practical after the incident. All other employees are encouraged to report such incidents to their supervisor immediately. The district shall protect any employee who does report such incidents from retaliation.
The Superintendent or designee shall use all appropriate means to reinforce the district's nondiscrimination policy. He/she shall provide training and information to employees about how to recognize harassment and discrimination, how to respond appropriately, and components of the district's policies and regulations regarding discrimination. The Superintendent or designee shall regularly review the district's employment practices and, as necessary, shall take action to ensure district compliance with the nondiscrimination laws.
Any district employee who engages in prohibited discrimination, harassment, or retaliation or who aids, abets, incites, compels, or coerces another to engage or attempt to engage in such behavior in violation of this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.
(cf. 4118 - Dismissal/Suspension/Disciplinary Action)
(cf. 4218 - Dismissal/Suspension/Disciplinary Action)
Any complaint by an employee or job applicant alleging discrimination or harassment shall be addressed in accordance with the following procedures:
- Notice and Receipt of Complaint: A complainant who is an employee shall inform his/her supervisor. However, if the supervisor is the person against whom the employee is complaining, the employee shall inform the coordinator or the Superintendent. A job applicant shall inform the coordinator or the Superintendent or designee. The complainant may file a written complaint in accordance with this procedure, or if he/she is an employee, may first attempt to resolve the situation informally with his/her supervisor.
A supervisor or manager who has received information about an incident of discrimination or harassment, or has observed such an incident, shall report it to the coordinator, whether or not the complainant files a written complaint.The written complaint should contain the complainant's name, the name of the individual who allegedly committed the act, a description of the incident, the date and location where the incident occurred, any witnesses who may have relevant information, other evidence of the discrimination or harassment, and any other pertinent information which may assist in investigating and resolving the complaint.
(cf. 0410 - Nondiscrimination in District Programs and Activities)
(cf. 4032 - Reasonable Accommodation)
(cf. 4119.11/4219.11/4319.11 - Sexual Harassment)
- Investigation Process: The coordinator shall initiate an impartial investigation of an allegation of discrimination or harassment within five business days of receiving notice of the behavior, regardless of whether a written complaint has been filed or whether the written complaint is complete.
The coordinator shall meet with the complainant to describe the district's complaint procedure and discuss the actions being sought by the complainant in response to the allegation. The coordinator shall inform the complainant that the allegations will be kept confidential to the extent possible, but that some information may be revealed as necessary to conduct an effective investigation.
(cf. 3580 - District Records)
(cf. 4112.6/4212.6/4312.6 - Personnel Files)
(cf. 4119.23/4219.23/4319.23 - Unauthorized Release of Confidential/Privileged Information)
If the coordinator determines that a detailed fact-finding investigation is necessary, he/she shall begin the investigation immediately. As part of this investigation, the coordinator should interview the complainant, the person accused, and other persons who could be expected to have relevant information. When necessary to carry out his/her investigation or to protect employee safety, the coordinator may discuss the complaint with the Superintendent or designee, district legal counsel, or the district's risk manager.
The coordinator also shall determine whether interim measures, such as scheduling changes, transfers, or leaves, need to be taken before the investigation is completed to ensure that further incidents do not occur. The coordinator shall ensure that such interim measures do not constitute retaliation.
- Written Report on Findings and Corrective Action: No more than 20 business days after receiving the complaint, the coordinator shall conclude the investigation and prepare a written report of his/her findings. This timeline may be extended for good cause. If an extension is needed, the coordinator shall notify the complainant and explain the reasons for the extension.
The report shall include the decision and the reasons for the decision and shall summarize the steps taken during the investigation. If a determination has been made that discrimination or harassment occurred, the report also shall include any corrective action(s) that have been or will be taken to address the behavior, correct the effect on the complainant, and ensure that retaliation or further discrimination or harassment does not occur.
The report shall be presented to the complainant, the person accused, and the Superintendent or designee.
- Appeal to the Board of Trustees: The complainant or the person accused may appeal any findings to the Board within 10 business days of receiving the written report of the coordinator's findings. The Superintendent or designee shall provide the Board with all information presented during the investigation. Upon receiving an appeal, the Board shall schedule a hearing as soon as practicable. Any complaint against a district employee shall be addressed in closed session in accordance with law. The Board shall render its decision within 10 business days.
(cf. 1312.1 - Complaints Concerning District Employees)
(cf. 9321 - Closed Session Purposes and Agendas)
Other Remedies
In addition to filing a discrimination or harassment complaint with the district, a person may file a complaint with either the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The time limits for filing such complaints are as follows:
- To file a valid complaint with DFEH, within one year of the alleged discriminatory act(s), unless an exception exists pursuant to Government Code 12960
- To file a valid complaint directly with EEOC, within 180 days of the alleged discriminatory act(s) (42 USC 2000e-5)
- To file a valid complaint with EEOC after first filing a complaint with DFEH, within 300 days of the alleged discriminatory act(s) or within 30 days after the termination of proceedings by DFEH, whichever is earlier (42 USC 2000e-5)