Human Resources » Sexual Harassment Policy

Sexual Harassment Policy

The Board of Trustees prohibits sexual harassment of district employees and job applicants.  The Board also prohibits retaliatory behavior or action against district employees or other persons who complain, testify or otherwise participate in the complaint process established pursuant to this policy and administrative regulation.


Any district employee or job applicant who feels that he/she has been sexually harassed or who has knowledge of any incident of sexual harassment by or against another employee, a job applicant or a student, shall immediately report the incident to his/her supervisor, the principal, district administrator or Superintendent.


A supervisor, principal or other district administrator who receives a harassment complaint shall promptly notify the Superintendent or designee.

The district's designee for complaint or other inquiries is:


Mr. Manny Marquez, Superintendent

Bear Valley Unified School District
42271 Moonridge Road/P.O. Box 1529
Big Bear Lake, CA 92315
(909) 866-4631


Complaints of sexual harassment shall be filed in accordance with AR 4030 - Nondiscrimination in Employment. An employee may bypass his/her supervisor in filing a complaint where the supervisor is the subject of the complaint. Please refer to the Uniform Complaint Policy and procedures below.


Any district employee who engages or participates in sexual harassment or who aids, abets, incites, compels, or coerces another to commit sexual harassment against a district employee, job applicant, or student is in violation of this policy and is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.


(cf. 4118 - Dismissal/Suspension/Disciplinary Action)

(cf. 4218 - Dismissal/Suspension/Disciplinary Action)


Prohibited sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to, unwelcome sexual advances, unwanted requests for sexual favors, or other unwanted verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature made against another person of the same or opposite sex in the work or educational setting when:  (Education Code 212.5; Government Code 12940; 5 CCR 4916)