Home and Hospital Program
The mission of the Home/Hospital Program and Transition Supports School is to provide students with seamless instructional services while supporting their academic, social/emotional, and transition needs during a time of unanticipated medical impairment or medical crisis.
Students who receive home instruction receive up to five hours per week of educational services from a certificated teacher. Every effort is made to maintain continuity in the course of study in the core academic areas. If a student receives special education services, the student will receive supports that are consistent with his or her Individualized Education Program (IEP). Home instruction is intended to be a temporary placement and is considered to be a highly restrictive setting.
As a general rule, placement in home/hospital should be considered if the student is expected to miss 15 consecutive days or more of school. A medical physician will be asked to send information concerning the need for home bound instructions from school. Shorter absences should be handled by parent/doctor excuses and make-up work. Independent Study may also be considered an appropriate learning environment for such absences.
Home or hospital instruction is not intended as a general program of independent study. Students with short term or long term health needs may be considered for independent study program, a virtual learning setting, or a blended learning environment.
The California Department of Education (Code 48026.3) defines temporary disability as a physical, mental or emotional disability incurred while a student is enrolled in regular day classes or an alternative education program, and after which the student can be reasonably expected to return to regular day classes or the alternative education program without special intervention. Home or hospital instruction is only available during the regular school year, during regular school days. There is no summer program available.
Some exceptions are: 1) students with a contagious disease and 2) pregnant minors, unless they have special health problems, 3) safety or health condition exist preventing instruction to take place in the home, 4) if there are less than 20 school days remaining in the student’s school year, home/hospital may not be assigned.
A summary of the medical condition, relative to the request for home or hospital instructional setting, are made by the School District Nurse to the Executive Director of Student Services, after a request is submitted to the school site by the parent/guardian/caregiver. A Medical Verification will be obtained by the district nurse from the student’s physician and shall be included with the request. The school site administrator will assist in the placement decision as part of the review process.