

Each of our schools has a Student Accountability Report Card. The purpose of the report card is to provide important information about each school so parents/guardians can see how schools perform in the district. It can be an effective way for a school to report on its progress in achieving goals. School report cards must be updated annually and published by February 1st.
State law requires that SARC contain:

  • Demographic data,
  • School safety and climate for learning information,
  • Academic data,
  • School completion rates,
  • Class sizes,
  • Teacher and staff information
  • Curriculum and instruction descriptions
  • Postsecondary preparation information, and
  • Fiscal and expenditure data


You can request a printed copy of the S.A.R.C. at the district office and at the school sites.

2023 SARCs
2022 SARCs
2021 SARCs
2020 SARCs

Bear Valley USD in conjunction with Axiom is now able to provide the community with up to date information about or schools online. Click on the link below to view the data. (this is older data. 2006-2008)